
Chosen Projects

The MATAM park is Israel’s largest, leading, and oldest high-tech and business park. Thanks to this status, The MATAM park enjoys an international reputation. The park covers a vast compound where leading companies operate, such as Intel, Elbit, Microsoft, Phillips, Google, ZIM, Amazon, etc.

Using the DPM+ management system and app, we manage over 6,500 parking spots in over 14 different parking lots for over 17,000 subscribers.

By connection to the LPR system, each employee sees in the app the inventory of available parking spots in each parking lot he is permitted to park in. Also, by the app, the employee knows in which parking lot there are available parking spots, and if there is any reason at all to enter the MATAM park or seek parking outside it.

When they approach 2km from the Park, the employees receive a phone push notification alerting of approaching the Park and the employee can, with quick access and no touching the phone to see the list of parking spots in each parking lot he is permitted to park in, and therefore will plan his travel to the relevant parking lot.

Amit Polak Matalon – one of Israel’s leading law firms. Their office building has a parking lot where they own 120 parking spaces out of the parking lot’s total 700 spots., where part of the parking lot is for subscribers, and part for other occasional arrivals who come to the North Market and pay per-hour rates.

We also manage guests, who are referred to specific parking by a text message immediately when the LPR camera identifies their license plate number.


The Altshuler Shaham investment firm is one of Israel’s leading capital market’s investment firms, and manages investment portfolios, provident funds, pension funds, and trust funds. Its offices are located in Tel Aviv. This is a DPM client since 2017 with approx. 350 parking spots, some reserved and some for general use. The parking lot includes sub-lots for all employees, marketing department, and guests. We are connected to the LPR camera system, and every employee (subscriber) can check the app before arriving to the parking lot to see if there are available parking spots, and on which floor. Once the vehicle enters the parking lot and is identified by the LPR camera, the employee receives an SMS text message and an app push notification sending him to the parking spot. The employee can switch parking spots by the app.

We also manage guests, who are referred to a specific parking by a text message immediately when the LPR camera identifies their vehicle’s number.

At the end of the day, the employees can open the app and remember where they parked, and therefore find their vehicles quickly. Once the vehicle leaves the parking lot, by identification by the LPR camera, the parking spot is released to the system’s available parking space pool by the DPM system.

We also manage the 150 reserved parking spots in this parking lot by sending a message in the morning to the reserved parking spot’s owner with the question if they are arriving with their vehicle to work, and if they answer “no” in the app, the parking spot is released and become available to other employees who do not own a reserved parking spot. The employee can even update by the app about future vacations. the system admin can also update employee’s vacations through the management system.

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